Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Get Organized

Do you have that one room in your house that you usually just keep the door closed? It used to be the guest room but now it is just the "storage room". Or maybe it isn't the guest room but it's your 11 year old son's room that you just can't get him to clean. So what do you do? You need a professional organizer who can help you through the entire process. Sometimes you just need that unbiased opinion of what to do with that old box of magazines that you swear you will EVENTUALLY read. Here are some pictures of a project I recently worked on. We spent 8 hours sorting through every single item in this boy's bedroom. We threw out bags & bags of things and donated just as much. There were many things that he didn't even know were in his room and he hadn't played with in years. His mother had been trying to get him to clean out his room for some time but I think many times it just takes a non family member to initiate. We had a great time going through everything and even had him tell me the significance of certain items. At the end of the process he told me that he really enjoyed cleaning his room. One of his friends even thanked me that they could finally play in his room! Another success story!

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